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Don't miss this article on essential oil maintenance in winter!

Dec 30th, 2022

In the cold winter, the weather is getting drier and drier, so it is more important to maintain our bodies, as well as our faces and feet. Aromatherapy essential oil extracted from various flowers and fruits of nature is not only an ornament of exquisite life, but also very awesome in beauty and health care in autumn and winter. Lavender, sandalwood, neroli, rose and geranium can replenish water and remove dryness; Ginger, thyme, eucalyptus, bergamot, etc. can improve the body's cold resistance; Lemon, mint, Roman chamomile, etc. can prevent respiratory diseases... In addition to solemn aromatherapy rituals such as music and incense lamps, you need to choose the right products and methods according to different maintenance priorities.

Foot care

As the saying goes, cold starts from the feet, and soaking feet can promote the blood circulation of the whole body, promote blood circulation, remove silt, dredge the meridians, relax decompression, expel cold and dehumidify, and have significant effects on chilliness, cold hands and feet, and dysmenorrhea caused by cold. The focus of foot care is "live", that is, let the blood circulation live.

The most common formula for soaking foot essential oil in autumn and winter: ginger essential oil+sweet orange essential oil, because these two products can not only warm the body, but also have the effects of protecting the respiratory tract and expelling toxins. More importantly, the prices of these two essential oils are relatively affordable; If you have rheumatism, you can use rosemary essential oil+lemon essential oil or black pepper+ginger essential oil; If the feet are extremely cold, it is recommended to use ginger+rosemary; If you have menopausal symptoms, you can use happy sage+geranium.

Usage method

You can soak your feet in hot water at about 40 ℃ every night before going to bed. You can add ginger, Roman chamomile, rose, rosemary and other essential oils in the water according to your own needs to promote blood circulation. The best time to soak feet is from 21:00 to 23:00 at night. Soak feet for 15 to 30 minutes. The water level of the foot should be above the ankle, preferably in the middle of the lower leg. The temperature of the foam foot should be about 40 °.

Body care

The lack of yang in winter can easily lead to cold limbs and body tiredness, so the key word of body aromatherapy is "warm". In autumn and winter, the essential oil used for health care is mainly used to support yang qi and supplement energy. Ginger essential oil, jasmine essential oil, black pepper essential oil and other single essential oils are all good choices. In addition, the compound essential oil composed of thyme, eucalyptus and bergamot can also improve the blood circulation ability of the body in autumn and winter, making the body warmer.

If you feel dry and itchy, you can add some bitter orange flower essential oil or rose essential oil to the base oil; If you have lower limb edema in winter, you can add grapefruit essential oil and rosemary essential oil to the base oil. Another special feature of the combination of grapefruit essential oil and rosemary essential oil is that it can prevent the fat on your abdomen from scaring the audience next summer, because grapefruit essential oil can burn free fat, while rosemary essential oil has the function of astringency and firmness, and the two are excellent slimming partners; If you are especially afraid of the cold, you can take a bath with pure thyme essential oil and 10ml base oil. Just three minutes is enough to warm your body.

Usage method

1. Mix the compound essential oil with thyme, eucalyptus or bergamot and other ingredients in the body milk to help relieve the dryness, itching and even cracking of the whole body, while shrinking the pores and enhancing the body's cold resistance.

2. Drop 2 drops of skin warming essential oil into the bathtub. The warm steam will make people feel relaxed and warm from head to foot.

Facial care

Cold autumn and winter bring the greatest test to the face, which is dry and short of water. Therefore, the key word of facial maintenance is "moistening". You can select the right essential oil for facial maintenance according to your skin type. Roman chamomile is suitable for sensitive skin; Frankincense and sandalwood are suitable for aging skin; Pelargonium and rose are suitable for dry skin; Ylang Ylang and lavender are suitable for oily skin.

For very dry, even peeling skin, use rose essential oil+sandalwood essential oil+Roman chamomile essential oil, mix them and gently massage the skin; If aging signs occur due to water shortage, it is recommended to use rose essential oil+neroli essential oil+jasmine essential oil; If the skin is allergic, red and itchy, you can use rose essential oil+lavender essential oil+Roman chamomile essential oil to relieve the symptoms of dryness and itching through cleaning, anti-inflammatory, moisturizing and regeneration.

Usage method

Take out 10ml of lotion/cream, sub pack it into clean jars, then drop the essential oil suitable for yourself, and mix it fully. For specific amount, please refer to the instructions of the essential oil or the instructions of the aromatherapist.

Precautions for use of essential oil

Never apply it on the skin without dilution (except lavender and tea tree essential oil). It is not suitable to contact eyes and lips directly (pure dew can be used to replace it when near eyes). Avoid using on wounds (except for very small wounds). The essential oil can only be used externally. If it needs to be taken orally, it must be instructed by a registered aromatic therapist or doctor. Citrus essential oils should not be used before sunbathing, which may cause freckles. Pregnant women, patients with hypertension and hypotension, patients with epilepsy, asthma, poor liver and kidney function, patients with extreme skin allergy, infants and children should consult a registered aromatherapy therapist or doctor if they want to use essential oil. When using essential oil for the first time, the concentration should be as low as possible, and then increase slowly after adaptation. If it causes discomfort to sensitive skin after use, it should be stopped immediately.
