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These six essential oils are most suitable for summer use and won't stop when used!

May 16th, 2023

Many people like summer because of its warmth and boldness, but sometimes the heat can be a bit noisy. How to calm down emotions and restore peace to both the body and mind, essential oils are definitely the best choice! The five most suitable essential oils for summer use:

1. Lavender essential oil

Lavender essential oil is well-known to the Chinese people due to the lavender in Provence, France. The history of lavender essential oil can be traced back to the Roman period. In addition to its well-known sleeping effect, it also has the function of soothing emotions and treating sunburn. It is a single essential oil that is particularly suitable for summer.

Treating insomnia: Dropping a small drop of lavender essential oil on the pillow before bedtime (do not overeat) can help improve sleep quality.

Soothe the mood: During the rest, add proper amount of hot water and 2 drops of lavender essential oil+2 drops of sandalwood essential oil into the aromatherapy stove or water oxygen machine to let the flavor of the essential oil slowly evaporate to every corner of the room. At the same time, you can listen to some light music or do some "slow" exercises (such as yoga).

Treatment of sunburn: add 2 drops of lavender essential oil in iced milk, wet the facial mask paper, and apply it for about 20 minutes. Sunburned skin can have a noticeable burning sensation, and if not taken care of, it can cause permanent skin damage.

Self made essential oil facial mask: 30ml aloe gel+10 drops of sweet almond base oil+3 drops of lavender essential oil, which will turn milky white after being stirred together. Apply it every night before going to bed, and after a week, you will notice that your pores become smaller and your skin becomes delicate and shiny. Sweet almond base oil is rich in vitamins. It is an excellent pure natural humectant, widely used in hair care products to help repair and recuperate. It can also be used in moisturizing lotion or as massage oil. Sweet almond base oil has a soothing effect and can be used to dilute essential oils. Effectively slowing down the volatilization rate of essential oils, blending various essential oils is an excellent choice for conditioning and massage. Lavender essential oil can dispel acne, balance oil secretion, eliminate acne marks, fade scars, remove spots, improve cell activity, whiten, wrinkle, remove eye bags and dark circles, and clean the skin. With aloe gel containing pure plant essence such as aloe, seaweed, green tea, chamomile, grape leaf and tea tree essential oil, the soothing and moisturizing effect is better, and the skin can be restored to health and tenderness. This home-made facial mask is not only suitable for daily skin maintenance, but also especially suitable for repairing skin after sun exposure.

2. Roman Chamomile Essential Oil

Roman chamomile essential oil is distilled from the steam of Roman chamomile flowers. The white flowers are Roman chamomile, while the sky blue ones are German chamomile. Their scent exudes an apple aroma, making them an excellent plant for soothing emotions. They have a magical effect on relieving anxiety, tension, and fear, and restoring peace of mind.

Calm down the mood: Mix 4 drops of Roman Chamomile essential oil, 3 drops of Sweet Orange essential oil, and 2 drops of Lavender essential oil, and use aromatherapy or bathing to slowly let the body and skin feel the "apple" fragrance and sweetness.

3. Peppermint essential oil

Cool mint essential oil is perfect for summer use. On a sleepy afternoon, using it to refresh and refresh your mind is definitely the first choice. In addition, peppermint essential oil also has good therapeutic effects on relieving cold symptoms! Wind-heat colds are the most uncomfortable, as they can clear the throat, eliminate symptoms such as stuffiness and headaches, and are a regular essential oil for summer.

Refreshing and refreshing: 2 drops of mint essential oil+2 drops of Roman   chamomile essential oil+5 drops of base oil, massage on key areas such as   temples, under the nose, or sore muscles.
Treating a cold: Add 5 drops of mint essential oil directly to the water   container of an aromatherapy stove or water oxygen machine for aromatherapy,   which can improve symptoms such as stuffiness, headache, and sore throat. If   you have a fever, drop the essential oil into cold water and apply a cold compress   on your forehead.
4. Sweet Orange Essential Oil
The best sweet oranges are produced in California, USA, and the best sweet   orange essential oil also comes from this sunny and vibrant place. When   feeling tired and depressed, sweet orange essential oil can help you   accelerate your metabolic rate and awaken your body again.
Anti depression: Add 5 drops of sweet orange essential oil to an   aromatherapy stove or water oxygen machine water container for aromatherapy,   and you will feel the magical power brought by the warm sunshine.
Accelerate metabolism: When taking a shower, add 3 drops of sweet orange   essential oil, 2 drops of lavender essential oil, and 3 drops of geranium   essential oil to the bathtub, allowing the entire body's skin to fully absorb  the essential oil.

5. Rosemary essential oil

Rosemary essential oil can help improve memory. Many people like to use   rosemary in their study and meeting rooms because its taste is refreshing and   refreshing, especially suitable for inspiring inspiration and   brainstorming.
Improve work efficiency: 1 drop of rosemary essential oil+2 drops of sweet   orange essential oil+1 drop of peppermint essential oil, drop it in the   fragrance water oxygen machine with appropriate amount of water for incense,   or drop it on the collar to inhale at any time.
 6. Lemon essential oil
Lemon is the fruit with the highest vitamin C content, which has a good   effect on skin whitening, balancing oil, and making the skin look more   energetic. It should be noted that lemons are photosensitive plants and are   best used before bedtime.
Improve complexion: Mix 3 drops of lemon essential oil and 3 drops of   lavender essential oil with night cream, apply to the face, and gently massage.

